Creating Great Places to Work for All
Culturise exists to help create great places to work for ALL people. We are passionate about wellbeing and safety - psychological and physical - as the bedrock of a high-performing culture and organisation.
With these elements teams feel valued, safe to express their ideas and vision, equitably included and committed. Leading to a workplace or community that thrives and succeeds with practical, healthy & safe practices.
Mental Health First Aid
Providing a psychologically safe workplace is not only an essential requirement under Australian Work Health Safety legislation but also good for Organisations in many ways.
Culturise has been providing strategies and tools for creating healthy workplaces for over 5 years. We believe that having several accredited mental health first aid officers in each workplace is an important ingredient in a healthy workplace. In fact, it is key to creating a Culture of Safety and Inclusion.
Where Wellbeing Meets High Performance
Culturise helps create high-performing cultures by engaging, motivating, and empowering employees to develop habits of adaptability, leadership, accountability, and inclusion.
By providing practical tools and support, the unique approach enables leaders to embed new team behaviours for strategic change without losing focus on delivering business as usual results.
For years, Culturise has been helping individuals and teams adapt using their innovative toolkits. With the current need to focus on culture and adapt to change, there has never been a more important time to prioritize people and their well-being.

How do we do it?
Culturise believes values are at the core of the way we work.
Sharing and embedding these in our practices to ensure we are great at what we do.

We are lifelong learners and share it widely.
Values, people, places, Psychological & physical.
Care, engagement, learning, self-effective
Work, life, Bio-psycho-social- lifestyle.
We get business as usual and we work with it - implementation matters